Models of Grammar Group

Henk van Riemsdijk

Selected publications



A Case Study in Syntactic Markedness: The Binding Nature of Prepositional Phrases. Dordrecht: Foris (=dissertation)


The Generative Enterprise - A Discussion with Noam Chomsky (with Riny Huybregts). Dordrecht: Foris


(with Edwin Williams) Introduction to the Theory of Grammar. Cambridge, MA: MIT-Press.


(with Pieter Muysken) Features and Projections. Dordrecht: Foris.


(ed. with N. Corver) Studies on Scrambling. Berlin: Mouton - de Gruyter.


(ed. with D. Beermann and D. LeBlanc) Rightward Movement. Papers from the Tilburg Conference. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


(ed. with E. Anagnostopoulou and F. Zwarts) Left Dislocation. Papers from the 1994 Tilburg Workshop. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

spring 99

(ed.) Clitics in the Languages of Europe. EUROTYP Series, Vol. 8. Berlin: Mouton - de Gruyter.



NP-structure. The Linguistic Review 1, 171-217 (with E.S.Williams)


Correspondence effects and the empty category principle. In: Y.Otsu et al. eds. Studies in Generative Grammar and Language Acquisition. Tokyo: ICU.


The case of German adjectives. In: Heny & Richards eds.Grammatical Categories: Auxiliaries and Related Puzzles. Vol.1. 223-252. Dordrecht: Reidel.


On pied piped infinitives in German relative clauses.In: Toman ed. Issues in the Grammar of German. 165-192. Dordrecht:Foris.


Verb Projection Raising, scope, and the typology of verb movement rules. Linguistic Inquiry 17, 417-466. (with L.Haegeman).


The representation of syntactic categories. Proceedings of the Conference on the Basque Language, Basque World Congress. pp 104-116.


Movement and Regeneration. In: P.Benincà (ed.) Dialect Variation and the Theory of Grammar. Proceedings of the GLOW Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Dialect Variation. Dordrecht: Foris. pp. 105-136.


Functional Prepositions. In: Pinkster & Genée (eds.) Unity in Diversity. Festschrift for Simon Dik. Dordrecht: Foris.


Complements, Adjuncts and Adjacency in Phrase Structure. In Tasmowsky & Zribi-Hertz (eds.) De la musique la linguistique. Festschrift for Nicolas Ruwet. Ghent: Communication & Cognition.


Another note on clausal pied piping. In: Cinque & Koster (eds.) Festschrift for Richard Kayne. Washington D.C: Georgetown University Press.


(with Norbert Corver) The position of the head and the domain of scrambling. In: B. Palek, (ed.) Typology: Prototypes, Item Orderings and Universals. Proceedings of LP96, Prague. Prague: Charles University Press.


Push Chains and Drag Chains: Complex Predicate Split in Dutch. In: S. Tonoike (ed.) Scrambling. Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers, pp 7-33.


Head movement and adjacency, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 16, 633-678.


Categorial feature magnetism: The endocentricity and distribution of projections, Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 2: 1-48.


Syntax driven (crazy) by morphology' in A. Bruyn & J. Arends (eds.) Mengelwerk voor Muysken. Publicaties van het Instituut voor Algemene Taalwetenschap #72, pp67-74. University of Amsterdam.


Trees and Scions – Science and Trees,' Fest-Web-Page for Noam Chomsky (32pp) URL:

Unpublished and/or downloadable articles

March 1995

Clitics: A State of the Art Report (to appear in HvR (ed.) Clitics in the Languages of Europe (see reference above).
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March 1995

Push Chains and Drag Chains: Comples Predicate Split in Dutch (prepublication version, please consult published version)
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Sept. 1995

Head Movement and Adjacency (preliminary, prepublication version, please consult published version)
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Aug. 1995

The Extension of Projections (preliminary, prepublication version, please consult published version)
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Last modification: February 10, 1999.
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